Program Listing for File motorgo_channel.h

Return to documentation for file (include/motorgo_channel.h)

// Header file for the Motor Channel class.


#include <SPI.h>
#include <SimpleFOC.h>
#include <Wire.h>

#include "encoders/calibrated/CalibratedSensor.h"
#include "encoders/mt6701/MagneticSensorMT6701SSI.h"
#include "motorgo_common.h"

namespace MotorGo

class MotorChannel
  MotorChannel(BLDCChannelParameters params, const char* name);
  MotorChannel(const MotorChannel&) = delete;  // Delete copy constructor
  MotorChannel& operator=(const MotorChannel&) =
      delete;  // Delete copy assignment operator

  void init(ChannelConfiguration channel_config);

  void init(ChannelConfiguration channel_config, bool should_calibrate);
  // end of motor_initialization group

  void loop();

  PIDParameters get_torque_controller();

  PIDParameters get_velocity_controller();

  PIDParameters get_position_controller();

  void set_torque_controller(PIDParameters params);

  void set_velocity_controller(PIDParameters params);

  void set_position_controller(PIDParameters params);

  float get_torque_limit();

  float get_velocity_limit();

  float get_position_limit_low();

  float get_position_limit_high();

  float get_voltage_limit();

  void set_torque_limit(float limit);

  void set_velocity_limit(float limit);

  void set_position_limit(float low, float high);

  void set_voltage_limit(float limit);

  void reset_torque_controller();

  void reset_velocity_controller();

  void reset_position_controller();

  void save_torque_controller();

  void save_velocity_controller();

  void save_position_controller();

  void load_torque_controller();

  void load_velocity_controller();

  void load_position_controller();
  // end of pid_controller_management group

  void enable();

  void disable();

  void set_control_mode(ControlMode mode);

  void set_target_torque(float target);

  void set_target_velocity(float target);

  void set_target_position(float target);

  void set_target_voltage(float target);
  // end of motor_command group

  void zero_position();

  float get_torque();

  float get_velocity();

  float get_position();

  float get_voltage();
  // end of state_retrieval group

  //    Motor name
  //   Used to store calibration parameters in EEPROM
  const char* name;

  // Encoder, motor, and driver instances
  BLDCMotor motor;
  BLDCDriver6PWM driver;
  MagneticSensorMT6701SSI encoder;
  //   Calibrated sensor stores the calibration parameters
  CalibratedSensor sensor_calibrated;

  // Additional motor and encoder parameters
  ChannelConfiguration channel_config;
  Direction motor_direction;

  // Current targets
  // target_velocity, target_position, target_voltage, or target_torque will
  // be used depending on the control mode. We store all of them separately
  // to avoid erroneous motion due to switching units when switching between
  // control modes
  // Set to None by default to require user to set a control mode
  ControlMode control_mode = None;

  // Rad/s
  float target_velocity = 0.0f;
  bool velocity_limit_enabled = false;
  float velocity_limit = 0.0f;

  // N*m
  float target_torque = 0.0f;
  bool torque_limit_enabled = false;
  float torque_limit = 0.0f;

  // Rad
  float target_position = 0.0f;
  bool position_limit_enabled = false;
  float position_limit_low = 0.0f;
  float position_limit_high = 0.0f;

  // V
  float target_voltage = 0.0f;
  bool voltage_limit_enabled = false;
  float voltage_limit = 10000.0f;

  // MotorGo Limits
  // MotorGo Mini driver voltage limit
  // TODO: Some board definitions include the voltage limit, others don't
  // Set a default for now thats safe for the released hardware
  const float DRIVER_VOLTAGE_LIMIT = 11.0f;

  // MotorGo Mini driver current limit
  const float DRIVER_CURRENT_LIMIT = 1.8f;

  // Calibration parameters
  // If should_calibrate is set to true, the motor will be calibrated on startup
  // Else, the calibration will be loaded from EEPROM. If no calibration is
  // found, the motor will be calibrated anyway and the calibration will be
  // saved to EEPROM
  bool should_calibrate;
  bool calibration_loaded = false;

  // Store whether the parameters have been set
  // If not, the motor will not run be disabled when a command is received
  bool pid_torque_enabled = false;
  bool pid_velocity_enabled = false;
  bool pid_position_enabled = false;

  //   Helper functions for loading and saving PID parameters
  void save_controller_helper(const char* key, const PIDController& controller,
                              const LowPassFilter& lpf);

  void load_controller_helper(const char* key, PIDController& controller,
                              LowPassFilter& lpf);

}  // namespace MotorGo

#endif  // MOTOR_CHANNEL_H